How to make Homemade Kiwi Jam

mermelada de kiwi y manzana

Today we will learn how to cook a homemade kiwi jam without sugar or sweeteners, completely healthy. Ideal for our breakfasts full of fiber and energy.

Ingredients of Homemade Kiwi Jam

  • 3-4 ripe kiwis
  • Natural Sweetener
  • Lemon juice to taste


  • As always, we leave the kiwis ready for cooking (peel and chop).
  • We put the kiwis in a not very large saucepan (WITHOUT FIRE), and add the natural sweetener and lemon juice. We stir correctly and let it rest for approximately 3 hours.
  • Then, over low heat for 1 more hour, we are stirring from time to time. We must be careful that the mixture thickens.
  • 15 minutes after completing the cooking time, we must remove the mixture to beat it at maximum speed.
  • Once beaten, we add it to the fire for the remaining 15 minutes to reach the total hour.
  • As a final tip, we will be able to know if the jam is ready for consumption, when its thickness is decent. If we are habitual to the use of jam in breakfasts, we will know it just by looking at it. Naturally, once it is ready, we wait for it to cool, and refrigerate it.

Do we want more flavor in our homemade kiwi jam? No problem, let's play with the different fruits until we get the perfect result. In this case we will work with Orange, Banana, and Strawberries; Although we also recommend using Apple if we see that the flavor does not convince us.


  • 3-4 strawberries
  • 1-2 kiwis
  • Juice squeezed from 2 oranges
  • Plantain
  • Natural Sweetener
  • Chia seeds or flax to taste


  1. We crush or beat all the selected fruit. We simmer without stopping to stir and avoid sticking. Then we add the squeezed juice and the natural sweetener.
  2. We repeat the same durations and procedure (beat after 15 minutes) of the previous jam recipe. When we get to the time to beat the mixture, it will be time to add the seeds so that they are crushed correctly.
  3. Don't forget to pack and refrigerate when it's done.

Kiwi Jam - Thermomix without Sugar or Sweeteners

Kiwi Jam - Thermomix without Sugar or Sweeteners

We don't feel like cooking or we don't get the right mix? The Kiwi Jam in Thermomix is ​​an effective and above all, simple solution. In these times it is not surprising that more and more homes have kitchen machines of this style, so it is convenient to include the instructions to be able to prepare it in this way.

The result will be practically the same, and we will avoid the typical mistakes of new people in the kitchen. It will continue to be a light kiwi jam, and homemade, that is not doubted. With a much better taste than in any supermarket. In this case we can prepare it with the TM31 and TM5.

Ingredients of the Homemade Kiwi Jam in the Thermomix

  • Strawberries to taste (to play with the sweet)
  • 4 kiwis
  • Lemon juice
  • Natural Sweetener


  1. As always, we prepare the fruit for cooking. In the Thermomix glass, add it and chop for 10 seconds. Recommended 7-8 speed.
  2. We add the lemon juice and natural sweetener to our liking. As we prepare more jams, we will find the quantities that most closely match our personal desired flavor.
  3. We program it to 20 minutes in Varoma mode.
  4. Finally, and as in the previous ones, we let it cool, pack, and refrigerate.
  5. In this case, as we have seen, time and effort are saved.

The Apple is a very classic ingredient making this type of homemade recipes, including jam. Another well-known example is the Apple Quince. Without a doubt, it is an excellent ingredient to use in our dishes.

Ingredients of the Kiwi Jam with Apple

  • Half (large) apple, or medium whole apple
  • 4 kiwis
  • Lemon juice
  • Natural Sweetener


  1. As in the rest of the recipes, we prepare the kiwis to cook them, peel and chop them.
  2. We put the kiwis in a saucepan, without fire yet. We add the natural sweetener and the lemon juice. For the apple, we can make it into pieces the same size as the kiwis, but in my experience it is quite lumpy. I personally recommend, beat the apple in a blender, and add the result to the same saucepan with the kiwis.
  3. We stir the mixture correctly and let it rest for at least 3 hours.
  4. After this time, we cook over low heat for an hour. In case the fire is very strong, despite being soft (it depends on the kitchen of each one), we can leave it for only 45 minutes. It depends on whether we notice it burning or not. We stir every little time and we watch that it takes thickness.
  5. Once we notice that the mixture has advanced enough, say, half an hour, we pour the contents into a blender, and beat at maximum speed. Then, we add it back to the fire to finish cooking.

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