Homemade Kiwi Sweet

dulce de kiwi casero sin azúcar

Homemade Kiwi Sweet is nothing more than a kind of "jam". With much simpler ingredients and a simple and healthy procedure. In another section we will learn how to prepare the aforementioned Kiwi Jam, but in this case we will focus on the sweet.

Kiwi Sweet Ingredients

  • 500gr-1kg of Kiwis
  • Natural sweetener to taste (several sachets recommended)
  • 1 lemon


  1. As is usually, we wash and peel the kiwis to cut them into slices. We recommend cutting such slices into four parts to facilitate cooking. We can use two measures depending on the amount we are going to prepare, either 1kg, or 500gr of kiwi (weighed once they are already peeled).
  2. In a saucepan, add the kiwis and cover them with the sweetener and the squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Over low heat until the desired texture is achieved, depending on the amount cooked. Once achieved, we pack the result in jars (not too big)
  4. Finally, we boil the jars completely covered for 20 minutes, to achieve a correct sterilization.

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